Friday, 10 November 2017

Book character

Red and White aka Read and Write
Celebrating: Where’s Wally’s 30th Anniversary and Dr Seuss’s 60th Anniversary

As part of Literacy Week there is a dress up day to come as your favourite book character.

Nov 8, 2017 2:03:52 PM.jpg
Image result for dan carter my story

Dan carter is my favorite book character off Dan carter my story I enjoyed this book because it was interesting how his lifestyle was like and he practices with only a paddock and rugby post That his dad installed I like the quote that he says (you have to practice 15000 hours to be an expert at something and that's what he did with his goal kicking and Dan Carter is the best kicker in the world.

Friday, 3 November 2017

Athletics Relection

2017 Athletics Reflection

Write your reflection on your participation, effort and performance in the 2017 Athletics competitions.

You could reflect on these questions.
  1. How well did I use a growth mindset to stay positive when the competition got tough?
  2. Did I manage to achieve my athletics goals and why/why not?
  3. In what ways did I represent my House well in the competition?
  4. What did I do well and how do I know?
  5. What was challenging and how do I know?
  6. What am I most proud of and why?

Start your writing here:

I thought I would not come a place in high jump because I was competing against year 7s in the 11 year old group. I was nervous because high jump is my expected thing to do well in.

Yes, I managed to come first in high jump, second in sprints and third in long jump the are my placings in most my events.

I did the house relays for my house and I tried my best.

I think i did well in high jump because I jumped 1 metre 20 cm, but my PB is 1 metre 25 cm.

The most challenging was high jump because I got really nervous when my competitors kept on jumping over the bar and clearly made it. I was worried that they would make it over and I wouldn't.

I am most proud of high jump because I managed to get first which was surprising because I beat the guy who beat me every year Jak O'Connel.

Term 4 Goal

Term 4 Learning Goal

My Learning Goal
Mathematics because I am not good and i want to improve
How am I going to achieve my goal?
List strategies that you can use to work towards achieving your goal.
Focus because i get destructed a lot.
How will I know when I have achieved my goal?
When I look at my learner qualities sheet
My Learner Qualities Goal
How am I going to achieve my goal?

Concentrate really well.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017







Extended Abstract
I have no idea what a mihi is
I know what my mihi means and I can explain this
I can say my mihi with the help of someone else or a resource
I can independently say my mihi with correct pronunciation (off by heart)
I can listen to a person’s mihi and understand.

I can teach others to say their mihi correctly.
Strategies could include:
  • Written prompts
  • Picture prompts
  • Peer/adult support
Strategies could include:
  • Written prompts
  • Picture prompts
  • Peer/adult support
Strategies could include:
  • Written prompts
  • Picture prompts
  • Peer/adult support


Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Oaklands School Learner Qualities

Be self aware
I know my learning goals.
I know how I learn best.
Think about and reflect on:
  • How have I been managing my time with completing my SML Tasks?
  • How well have I been completing them?
  • Have I been completing my MUST Dos each week?
  • Have I been organised enough to complete bonus tasks?

What is my learning goal?
IALT manage my time well so I complete all my “MUST Do” SML Tasks each week
What has been going well? My extra spelling tasks because I try my best to get them done
What have I been learning to do to get the tasks done? Not getting distracted sitting with a sensible person
Which tasks have I completed well? My extra spelling tasks

Why?because I try my best to get them done
Which tasks have been challenging? Mathletics

Why? Because my account keeps on kicking me out
What are some other bonus tasks I would like to do? Khan academy because it’s practically the next step up of Scratch it involves Numbers, Maths and Science.   
My next step is…….. To try better in my writing because I keep getting distracted by the people around me.

Monday, 7 August 2017


W.A.L.T Compose and create a Anti bulling rap.

Related image I have to go to school
I have no choice
But the bullies are mean
I always hear their voice

They shout at me
Push me down
Shove me in the pool
Try make me drown

No-one helps me
I tremble in fear
I have no friends
And I’m always scared

Now it’s the last verse
Where the bullying ends
Gonna get back up
The friendship mends

How did you go about achieve this?
We needed some help so we asked Mr Macullam.
What resources were used to help you?
A computer.
Did you go through the process on your own collaborate with other people?
I did this task with Ryder, Samuel, Blake And Me\Micah.
How did you find the process?
fun and difficult.
What did you enjoy most about the process of creating a rap?
Having a lough with my Friends when Blake made a spelling mistake.
What  might be your next step?
Writing a rap with more than 8 sentences.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017


W.A.L.T Know what different word's mean.

The Red Ball

1.Go throw,”
2.Replied ida.
3.She bent her knees and leapt.
4.”If you could pick up your real sister,”
5.The fairy smiled her treacherous smile.
6.Then the green-eyed stepped out of the circle.
7.”you got your wish,”she sneered.
8.”Please” begged Ida.
9.When her head stopped spinning, Ida found herself in a forest.
10.The girl wore a sparkly, floating dress, as if she’d been to a costume party.

Part 2

1.Go cast,”
2.Responded ida.
3.She bent her knees and jumped.
4.”If you could grab up your real sister,”
5.The fairy smiled her unfaithful smile.
6.Then the green-eyed walked out of the circle.
7.”you got your wish,”she sniggerd.
8.”Please” pleaded Ida.
9.When her head stopped zooming, Ida found herself in a forest.
10.The girl wore a glittery, floating dress, as if she’d been to a costume party.

Thursday, 25 May 2017


WAlT: Write about a moment in time, to create a picture in the reader’s mind.
My Best Try Ever

It all started off at the kick off. I was kicking.. I punted the ball to the opposition, a big Samoan winger ran it up hard and straight he bumped of the first tackle. No one wanted to tackle him. So I committed the tackle, I used my shoulder and tackled him to the wet     muddy grass.

The halfback passed the ball out to the wing. But the ball i intercepted the pass ran 40 metres but the fullback was ready to tackle me. I had no support to pass the ball to but he did not no what was coming up. I stepped him so he fell to the ground. i scored underneath the rugby posts. We won that game 65-55.

By MIcah

Friday, 17 March 2017

Term 1 2017 Goal Review and Next Steps

Term 1 2017 Goal Review and Next Steps
Name:Micah Chivers

Parent Goal(s)
Strategies I can use are:
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...

Demonstrate leadership skills in year 6

Being a Role Model - Start being a better student, not call out and stop get fidgety.
Getting involved in different groups (School touch rugby team,trial for winter sports rugby team.)
Ignore distractions in the class
Move closer to Mr Hillary to save getting fidgety  

Student Goal(s)
Strategies I can use are:
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...

To get student council to improve my leadership skills because i love being a leader.

Start not calling out on the mat during math, writing, literacy and ignore distractions.
Volunteer to represent 6DH on the student council.
Be a role model.
Ignore distractions in the class
Mainly focuses on the speaker